performances November 9 in Boston and November 11 in Asheville will
feature a presentation by Democratic Presidential Candidate Dennis
Kucinich. Ani’s November tour is dedicated to promoting clean,
sustainable energy solutions to the climate change crisis and opposing
the construction of new nuclear power reactors. Rep. Kucinich will
address these issues and announce his new proposal to launch the Works
Green Administration, which will put millions of Americans to work
developing and implementing “green strategies” for alternative fuels
development, energy conservation, research and technology, and the
retro-fitting of homes, businesses, and government facilities to make
them more energy efficient.
Partial proceeds from Ani’s November tour dates benefit Nuclear
Information Resource Service (NIRS) and their work to ensure a nuclear
free and carbon emissions free future. To join in the effort to prevent
the legislation of $50 billion of taxpayer subsidies for the
construction of new nuclear power reactors in the US, please visit
You can also visit NIRS information tables at all of Ani’s November shows.
For tickets and show information visit the tour page here.